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Minecraft Realms Specs

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  1. How Does Minecraft Realms Work
  2. Minecraft Realms Specs
  3. Minecraft Realms Server Specs
  • Can I Run Minecraft Realms. Check the Minecraft Realms system requirements. Test your specs and rate your gaming PC. System requirements Lab runs millions of PC requirements tests on over 6,000 games a month.
  • 1 player 50-100 MB of RAM - on its own, but in practicality, it will always pull more, if it's e.g. In different chunks, moving through chunks very quickly (e.g. On a boat, via rail or flying with elytra); the player object as such won't use/drain more RAM, but it will effectively lead to significantly more RAM being used by the server if it's doing anything besides standing perfectly still somewhere.
< Server
For the game requirements, see Hardware requirements.

Sky Factory 4 is a modpack – a pack of Minecraft Java edition mods carefully designed and configured to work together, and is available through the Twitch launcher. It was created by prolific modpack-maker Darkosto, working with BaconDonut, who put together the original Sky Factory back in 2014. We offer a free Minecraft Realms trial to players who have not previously had a Realm. Trials are available for Realms on Minecraft for consoles, mobile, Windows 10 & VR and for Minecraft: Java Edition.

This feature is exclusive to Java Edition.

This page lists the server requirements of the current Java Edition version, 1.16.4.

  • 2Server requirements

Server installation and configuration[edit]

For a full tutorial on setting up a Minecraft server, please read the installation and configuration guide. Does fortnite work for windows 7.

Server requirements[edit]

Requirements may change depending on the server software, such as using Bukkit and/or mods.

  • A Java runtime (JRE), version 8 or higher. JDK contains JRE, so it will work too.
  • At least 1 GB of RAM allocated for the server to run (-Xmn 128M -Xmx 1G).
    • If you are using Windows or a desktop-based Linux distribution, you should have at least 1 GB of additional physical RAM in the computer, so the graphics on the desktop don't become laggy.
    • Depending on the specific java version, you may be able to set a 'soft max RAM' amount for the server JAR program. The JDK will try to keep memory usage below the soft max, but will allow it to go above it to reach -Xmx if needed. Try -Xmn 128M -XX:SoftMaxHeapSize=1G -Xmx 2G.
  • A CPU with good single-core performance. The server (as of 1.14) does use additional cores for other operations, but typically three cores are used at most.
    • Hyperthreading (HT) or simultaneous multithreading (SMT), i.e. a CPU providing 2 'threads' or 'logical cores' for each physical core, does not seem to benefit Minecraft much. On the other hand, it does not really hurt either, and having the setting on does allow your CPU to do some extra work on the side. Just don't worry about it.
    • The situation with third-party software is that while additional work (from plugins) do use additional cores, the core world mechanics (ticking, etc.) largely remain the same. Attempts to make the core mechanics multithreaded include Akarin, but do be warned this is very complex work and things get buggy very easily.

Sims 4 2014 download. Here is a simple recommendation to help you get started and/or help decide which hosting option is best for you: Nintendo 2ds animal crossing game.

Running a LAN Party type Server (since 1.11.2)[edit]

Note that these requirements are for the server only. You need to allocate more resources to the OS!
Also note that these suggestion presume default settings in server.conf - i.e., a Draw Distance no higher than 10, and is also based on a new world; the bigger the world gets, especially if there's advanced redstone circuitry at work, the requirements - especially the RAM, or in the case of lots of redstone or mobs (in e.g. grinders), the CPU - increase significantly (to the point where a major world with several camps, redstone machinery, grinders, etc. can easily more than double the requirements).

Be sure to have at least a low-ping internet connection, such as DSL or cable.

Minimum1-4Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 x21GBAt least 150MB for world saves
Recommended5-10Intel Core 2 Duo or AMD Athlon 64 x22GBAt least 200MB for world saves
Best10+Intel Core i5-4690 or AMD Ryzen 5 16004GBAt least 200MB SSD

Running a Dedicated type Server[edit]


Please see Dedicated Server Requirements for more information.

Running a Server-grade Server[edit]

How Does Minecraft Realms Work

Please see Server-Grade Server Requirements for more information.


Minecraft Realms Specs

  • Demo
  • PC Gamer Demo(Beta 1.3)
Version history
  • Classic
  • Removed features
  • Mentioned features
  • Known bugs
  • Commands
  • Data values
Development resources
  • Structure block file format
Legacy development resources
  • Server requirements
Game customization

Minecraft Realms Server Specs

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